An Introduction

A blog about television? What a concept!

A spin-off of the podcast beloved by dozens, the TV Tuners blog is here to help you decide what shows are worth tuning in on and what shows you can tune out. Literally, that’s the grade I use for all shows reviewed on this blog: Tune In or Tune Out. Your time is valuable and there is an ever-increasing number of TV shows being thrown in our faces on a weekly basis. Why not let me help you decide what new releases are worth your time?

Who am I? Hello, thank you for asking! I’m Jesse Swanson, I also go by the very clever nickname Swanson. I’m the host of that aforementioned podcast and now the writer of this here blog!

But why listen to this particular writer? Well, you certainly shouldn’t get all your advice from me. I’m a 30-something guy with a blog after all! When it comes to television though, I’ve been following the medium since I was a wee lad obsessively watching every episode of Lost. I may not have professional credits to my name, but I care deeply about TV as both a form of entertainment and a springboard for discussion.

That last part is especially important to my overall goal. Sure, fame and fortune are nice and all, but I want to foster a community for those passionate about television. A place where we can all have a laugh and discuss what we like and dislike about the latest shows on the air. My hope is that if you’re reading this, you’ve also been looking for a place like that and I invite you to give us a try!